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Anne franks life time :)

hi bloggers!! for this week – week 4 , I’ve been focusing on Anne Frank ( yes, it’s our queen Anne Frank) (that’s a joke) this is my create task 1 because I’ve been doing my create tasks before blogging them. but anyway this create task is about finding information about the person you’re doing. shes not really famous for that much so i couldn’t find much information. the WALT for this week is : recognise information to gain an understanding of the text. I tried finding as much information as i could ( have mercy) – ( i wont take a photo of it cause you wouldn’t be able to read it but i will write in this beautiful post. but i still have to post my other create tasks this is it!!!!!! ( this is the same questions as the Amelia Earhart post i did)


Famous quote: ” whoever is happy will make others happy too”

famous for: hiding from the Nazis for 2 years and writing in her diary about her experiences.

full name: Annelies Marie Frank

place of birth: Frankfurt,Germany

date of birth: 12 June 1929

key life events 1933, Anne moved to Amsterdam, Holland, when Hitler come to power Germany

major accomplishments: became famous for writing in her diary in 2 years of hiding ( 1942-1944) during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World war 2 , she was a JEWISH ( that’s why they were against her and she had to go into hiding) teen.

that’s the end I hope that was enough to fill your two brain cells ( please don’t get offended its a joke – probably unfunny)

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