My blog about fun day at school



Malo,namaste,bonjor and all warm greetings to you all. Today, I will be talking about the Waka Ahukura’s fun day. We had bouncy castles and water slides. It was verey fun and cool to play with my friends on the bouncy castles. But it was kinda not fun for me any more because a boy in room 2 was fighting with me. He jumped on me on purpose then I said, ”what’s your problem?”  Then he said, ”Do you want a blow up?” and I said, ”whats a blow up?” and he said, ” A punch!” then I said,” no!” So, I replied back to him but I didn’t punch him. Then he scracthed my foot and after he went up the slide.  I  pushed him down, after he came back up he pulled me down the slide and also pulled my hair and kicked my eyes. After, he left . It was sore so I told the teacther and we both said sorry to each other . It was worth it because we had to get in a group of ten so we all could get some fizzey drinks, hot chips and pizzas. It all was very yum and fun, to play and eat. That is my blog about my Ahukura’s fun day. Hope to see your wonderfull blogs!  Bye for now.

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