Devices day 7 DFI

Day 7 of the DFI course.


Today we touched on a number of topic’s namely:  The importance of rewindable learning, being cyber smart, learning the term ubiquitous (existing or being everywhere at the same time) and how its linked with Manaiakalani’s pedagogy,  class on air, explain everything, working through Chromebook’s and all the tabs with their meanings and where they are positioned and lastly creating a slide show and linking  it with EE (Explain everything) task on the Kawa of care.


Today has been very full on and a lot to digest, especially being someone who has never used/heard of these app’s before. I felt that I lacked some of the foundational knowledge that the others in our group had to their benefit.  I felt a bit confused today and not very certain of things/expectations, but with time not being on our side I tried to manage myself and just push through.

I enjoyed watching the video of the Kawa of care, it was so cute and so cleverly made.

Class on air seems like a great site and I shall definitely go and visit some more classes on this site during the holidays. It was great seeing other teachers ideas and how they model their lessons.


Below I have attached a screenshot of our play around with explain everything where we wrote our names, took a photo, used the shapes to create an iPad image and then used the drawing tool to make the explain everything icon. Then secondly there is a video recording which I made through google meet. We watched a video on a lesson on “class on air” a year 1-3 class about describing and continuing a repeating pattern , we then had to make a recording of ourselves giving feedback regarding the video and how it could help us as teachers.




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