HAL’s Activity

Today Room 11 have learnt a couple of new fun activities with the lovely Mrs Diamond. Our first game Mrs Diamond taught was called “Tails”. For this game you need spilt into two teams. One team with bibs and the opposite with non. We all also needed a Tag each to stick onto our backs and try to get each others tags. The most team with the most tags would win the game.

Our second game is called bench ball. For this game you are also split into two teams. This game is similar to netball but there are two people at each end of the court which was called bench. Each team have to pass the ball to their teammates at the end of the court. If your benched teammates drop the ball it would then be handed to the opposite team. But if your benched teammates catch the ball then we also get benched. The team with the most benched people would then win the round.

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