Little Women

I think that Little Women fits into the classic section. Because it was written a long time ago.

In the book Little Women there are four girls Beth, Amy, Joe and Meg. These Girls are sisters. Amy is the youngest. Amy loves to paint, she especially loves cheesy caramels but when she brings them to school they get taken off her and her paws get smacked with a ruler. Beth is the next oldest. Beth is the one march sister that never complains when she has to do chores of run errands. Beth always loves to play with her three bunny rabbits. Jo is the next oldest. Jo is the tomboy out of the four sisters she loves to climb trees and run around just like anyone else. Jo loves to write stories in her book and boy does she love to read you always find Jo with her nose stuck in a book. Meg is the oldest of the four. Meg has a job where she is the tutor of four little mice. Meg hates her job, but she does it because she wants to support her family.

I recommend that you should read Little Women, because it is kind and its pretty easy to read. Even if you can’t read ask a parent to read it to you.

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