Dear pink ,going to war

This week we had to write out a letter to a man about not going to
war.We had to pretend like it was 1914.I liked this activity because we had to write down 
about not going to war.

Here it is 


Dear pink

Thank you for your detailed explanation about going to war but I  
would rather stay home with my family because my mother is very sick 
and she needs me next to her,but thank you. I wish I could go 
sightseeing and touring cities next time if all is well.I will tell 
your story if you die.I know green purple red are going but 
that doesn't mean we have to.

Some other reasons are we could 
Get shell shock,starve and  get really shouldn’t go you 
might Die, anyways i'm only 16 sorry.It's not my decision but think 
about it.Imagine having to be in the trenches for days 
or having to travel; you could be out there for years.

Sincerely blue

How easy do you think it was?

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