IDY Overall Review Term One

This Term my IDY class has been working at the Kawakawa RSA doing and rotating jobs. It has saved the RSA a lot of money because of our class and using our double to clean it for free and it benefits us to get some sort of work experience. There are a couple of jobs that we had to do but it depended on what needed to be cleansed and organised. The jobs that I did were cleaning the bars, the kitchen, the toilets at both ends, the chiller, the recycling, vacuuming the carpet. I have done some of those jobs a couple of times more than once . My experience so far at the RSA has been good because I found it fun for the time being and the job I enjoyed the most was cleaning the chiller because it really helps my organisation skills. Personally i think all the jobs i have done have been done properly and satisfied by my teacher because I do not like when things are not done properly especially if it was my job. Even though we are doing the same jobs all over again in Term Two at least I will know what to clean and how to clean it without having to ask the teacher for any guidance.

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