hospitality & catering muffins and tart

last week we made muffins and we also made banoffee tarts. The ingredients for the muffins was flour, milk, sugar, eggs, baking powder, blueberries, and apples and in the banoffee thingy was bananas, this caramel thing, bananas, custard, and melted chocolate.

to make the muffins we all had to work together as a group so half of us was cutting up the apples and cooking them and the other half was mixing in all the ingredients for the muffins together.

to make the banoffee tarts we had to use these small tart shell things and fill them up with custard and caramel we made before hand to put in then we put thin slices of banana on top and drizzled melted chocolate on top.

in my opinion the  banoffee tart things tasted yuck because of the shell thing and the muffins were pretty good.

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