what we did yesterday/cooking

yesterday we made piklets, we used milk, baking flower, suger, milk and 1 egg


  1. You get two bowls (one big one, and other little one)
  2. then you put the dry ingredients but n0t the suger in the big bowl (you suff it, and leave it be)
  3. in the other bowl you put the egg in and wisket it
  4. after that you put the suger and milk in and keep wiskeing
  5. then after when you did that you put the wet ingredients in the big bowl and mix it
  6. you put the the stove on to 5 or 6 either one and but the frying pan
  7. then you but oil spray on the flying pan
  8. and put the battar on it and let it cook for 20 sec and filp it
  9. after you do that you put it on a plate
  10. then repet and claen up after



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